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국제 Sporting Gold at the FAI World Air Games

페이지 정보

작성자 운영자 조회 조회 : 17,431회 작성일 작성일 : 15-12-09 13:21


Big Bruce Wins Gold! | 9 December 2015

Aeromodelling Gold

FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
It’s a beautiful day this morning in Dubai. The wind has eased and the balloonists are out racing, which is a good sign. The weather should be set fair for the rest of the week.

Yesterday saw amazing action in the aeromodelling field at the Palm Dropzone where winner Bruce de Chastel fought back tears after clinching the FAI World Air Games title in the Semi Scale Pylon Racing final. "I didn't even dare to dream about this. It's too much…”

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>Watch the winning moments

>See the photos

Photo: James Pagram / FAI Media Team
Gold for Prokofjevs in Combat Aeromodelling
FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
"Thanks to my dad, who builds the best planes in the world," said Latvian Aleksandrs Prokofjevs after beating Jussi Forss from Finland to win gold in the F2D Combat Model Aircraft contest at the FAI World Air Games in Dubai…

>Read more

Photo: James Pagram / FAI Media Team
The Best of the Raft Action Clips
FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
One of the most important jobs in acro paragliding is that of The Pilot Catcher. Ant Green spent the afternoon on the raft to see how it’s done – and captured the best paragliding aerobatic landings on the raft.

Skydive Dubai Day Reports
FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
Our hosts here in Dubai are the incredible Skydive Dubai – unrivalled drop zone facilities make this one of the best places in the world to jump. They’ve been taping all the action here at the FAI World Air Games – catch up with what’s been happening on their dedicated YouTube channel.


Kodak Moments
FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
Adam Fischbach came to Dubai to support a US team mate and has been out and about filming the FAI World Air Games with specialist video gear – including a 60-year-old lens from his grandfather’s old film camera. The result is a beautiful look at the Games so far.

>Watch and be inspired

Photo of the Day
FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015
Sport helps bring people together. One of the best moments of yesterday was watching Bruce de Chastel and his wife Linda win gold in the pylon racing aeromodelling. A lot of what we do and achieve as pilots and sports men or women depends so often on the support of the other people in our lives. Thanks for helping make that happen!

Photo: James Pagram / FAI Media Team
Keep Up to Date
Our FAI Media Team is posting to these channels throughout the day and all through the Games.

> www.facebook.com/airsports.fai

> www.twitter.com/airsports_fai

> Flickr (hi-rez images free to use): www.flickr.com/airsports_fai/albums
About the FAI
The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the World Air Sports Federation, is the world governing body for air sports and for certifying world aviation and space records. The FAI was found in 1905 and is a non-governmental and non-profit-making organisation recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). FAI activities include Balloons and Airships, Power Flying, Gliding, Helicopter flight, Parachuting, Aeromodelling, Aerobatics, Hang Gliding, Microlight and Paramotor flying, Amateur-Built and Experimental Aircraft, Manpowered flying, Paragliding and all other Aeronautic and Astronautic sporting activities.
Maison du Sport International | Av. de Rhodanie 54 | 1007 Lausanne
0041 21 345 10 70 | communication@fai.org
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