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국제 The Jetmen arrive All the action from the World Air Games today

페이지 정보

작성자 운영자 조회 조회 : 16,762회 작성일 작성일 : 15-12-03 10:27


Hello WAGs! 2 December 2015
The Jetmen Fly In 
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
We’ve all seen their amazing videos online, now we got to meet them in person. Jetman Yves Rossy and his flying partner Vince Reffet wowed the crowd at the Skydive Dubai Palm Dropzone on Tuesday afternoon at the FAI World Air Games by linking up their jetpack wings with aerobatic ace Zoltan Veres and his three-man team...


Photo: Vince Reffet  © James Pagram / FAI Media Team
Meet Aude Lemordant
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
This petite Frenchwoman is the reigning World Aerobatics Champion, and spends her spare time looping crazily around the sky and flying upside down for fun…


Photo: Aude Lemordant © James Pagram / FAI Media Team
Pinpoint Accuracy
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
After yesterday’s first gold the day at the beach kicked off with paragliding accuracy. Looks simple. Isn’t.


Photo: Ant Green / FAI Media Team
Gold medal report
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
The first gold medal in the FAI World Air Games 2015 was won on Monday night. Lithuania’s Donatas Pauzuolis took first place in the indoor aerobatic aeromodelling, which took place in the Dubai Mall. "I’m very happy to have won," he said afterwards. "It’s a dream come true."

>> Full story...

Photo: Young spectator © James Pagram / FAI Media Team
Cornelia Mihai: ‘I want to win!’
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
Cornelia Mihai punched the air as she came into land after her first jump in the skydiving swooping, or canopy piloting, competition in Dubai.

And well she might - the only female skydiver in the competition, she managed to travel a distance of well over 130m after pulling off a featherlight touch down in the swooping pool. "I'm happy with it," she said of her performance. "It's not bad for the first round."


Photo: Cornelia Mihai © James Pagram / FAI Media Team 
Let's Be Friends: Find us on Facebook
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
We’re posting photos, video and stories to the FAI Facebook page throughout the day – far more than is in this newsletter. If you are in Dubai, have you been liked?

>> Check it out...

Photo: Breitling Wingwalker © Marcus King / FAI Media Team
On YouTube
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
Quattro Media are posting daily videos to the FAI Airsports YouTube channel.

>> Watch the latest video now...
Photo of the Day
The Biggest Aersports spectacle in the Planet is Landing in Dubai This December
Marcus King one of our event photographers took this great shot of a paramotor flying the flag at the Skydive Dubai Palm Dropzone this evening. “It’s my shot of the day,” he said when he downloaded it. It’s ours too.

All our photos are posted to our Flickr channel, where anyone can download them in high resolution. They are suitable for print and web and are free to use for the media around the world - from sharing on Facebook to the smallest newsletter to the biggest web publisher. 

>>Dive in and take a look...

See you tomorrow!
About the FAI
The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the World Air Sports Federation, is the world governing body for air sports and for certifying world aviation and space records. The FAI was found in 1905 and is a non-governmental and non-profit-making organisation recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). FAI activities include Balloons and Airships, Power Flying, Gliding, Helicopter flight, Parachuting, Aeromodelling, Aerobatics, Hang Gliding, Microlight and Paramotor flying, Amateur-Built and Experimental Aircraft, Manpowered flying, Paragliding and all other Aeronautic and Astronautic sporting activities.
Maison du Sport International | Av. de Rhodanie 54 | 1007 Lausanne
0041 21 345 10 70 | communication@fai.org
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